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Found 97 results for any of the keywords s boreal. Time 0.009 seconds.
Fast Facts about Canada's Boreal Forest | Boreal Songbird InitiativeWant a bit more detail? Check out our Conservation Values page, or browse through our collection of reports, fact sheets and maps.
Indigenous Communities in Canada's Boreal Forest | Boreal Songbird IniFor thousands of years, Indigenous Peoples have resided in and relied on the boreal forest, both in terms of physical subsistence and spiritual wellbeing. Today, there are more than 600 primarily Indigenous communities i
Boreal Forest | Boreal Songbird InitiativeFew places on Earth can still claim to be mostly untouched by the ever-expanding footprint of human development. The demand for resources and increasing global population has put countless wilderness areas around the wor
Partners | Boreal Songbird InitiativeWe work with a broad array of partners on both sides of the border to raise awareness of and conserve the boreal forest that is so crucial to the future of North American birds.
What Is a Boreal Bird | Boreal Songbird InitiativeAlthough much of the southern boreal forest has been developed or otherwise altered by humans, the vast majority of the northern portion of the forest remains as unspoiled wilderness to this day. This has allowed migrato
E-Updates | Boreal Songbird InitiativeGet BSI E-Updates with action alerts and news about boreal birds and the Canadian Boreal Forest.
About the Boreal Songbird Initiative | Boreal Songbird InitiativeThe Boreal Songbird Initiative (BSI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to education and outreach about the importance of the North American Boreal Forest to birds, other wildlife, and the global environment.
Our Work | Boreal Songbird InitiativeThe Boreal Songbird Initiative (BSI) is dedicated to education and outreach about the importance of the boreal forest to North America's birds, other wildlife, and the global environment. The Canadian Boreal Forest, one
Bird Conservation | Boreal Songbird InitiativeAs the voice for boreal birds, the Boreal Songbird Initiative (BSI) is committed to protecting the Canadian Boreal Forest—the largest intact forest on Earth—on behalf of the billions of migratory birds that rely on it. G
Comprehensive Guide to Birds of the Canadian Boreal Forest | Boreal SoAn estimated 74% of the species' North American population breeds within the Boreal Forest.
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